The Facts

Arthritis is a chronic disorder that affects people in the elderly. It is one of the major reasons people see their doctor and one of the leading causes of disability in Canada.
The word arthritis is derived from the Greek words arthron for "joint" and itis for "inflammation". Today, the term is used for various types of joints, such as bread, swelling, and stiffness
Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) are the most common types of arthritis conditions. Other types of arthritis include gout, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), and psoriatic arthritis.
The effects of arthritis are often mild, but in some cases they can be crippling. RA affects about 1 out of every 100 people, with more women than men being affected. Joints and other organs can be affected by this form of arthritis. OA is estimated to affect about 1 in 10 Canadians and affects more women than men. OA can occur at any age but is more common as people age. It is also much more common in overweight people.
Some types of arthritis are genetic or inherited (i.e., they tend to run in families). Others are related to a chemical imbalance or are due to an overactive immune system. All forms of arthritis affect the joints to some degree, but others may have their most serious effects on other parts of the body.
OA is the most common form of arthritis, primarily affecting people over the age of 60 years, or in recent years. It is degenerative in nature - cartilage in the joints gradually wears away, causing the ends of the bones to rub against each other.
OA can develop spontaneously for no apparent reason or cause a secondary cause, where the injury results from an injury or trauma. By far the greatest risk factor for OA of the hips and joints of the legacy is being overweight.
Wear-and-tear is the main sign of OA, but science has begun to unravel the specific mechanisms of the disease. Inflammation does not play a role in other types of arthritis, but it can be a prominent feature. An athlete who has had a joint venture or someone who works in a job.
RA is caused by inflammation and thickening of the joint's lining, called the synovium. Scientists suspect that inflammatory forms of arthritis may be triggered by bacterial or viral infections. The result is an abnormal immune response that destroys the body's own tissues. In the case of RA, the joints are the primary target.
Some forms of arthritis are called metabolic problems, called crystal-associated arthritis. These include gout and pseudogout, which are caused by crystal deposits within the joints. 80% of gout sufferers are men, but women become equally prone after menopause. Gout may be genetic, but it can also be precipitated by excessive alcohol consumption, dehydration, obesity, protein-rich diets, trauma, and conditions that suddenly break down large amounts of tissue. Gout results from the accumulation of uric acid, a waste product of the breakdown of digested proteins. Excess uric acid forms sodium urate crystals that collect in many tissues, including the joint linings, which causes inflammation. It can also lead to kidney stones.
Symptoms of gout include:
Gout attacks are usually very obvious and include severe joint inflammation with severe pain, swelling, heat, and redness. It can be difficult to differentiate it from an acute infection. Any joint can be affected, but the big toe is by far the most common. The attack may last up to a week or more, then usually resolves and gets better on its own.Flank or groin bread and blood in urine (visible or only on testing) may signal a kidney stone.
Making the Diagnosis
To diagnose arthritis, your doctor will take care of the organ and tissues that may be involved, and to rule out other possible diseases.
The joints may be tenderness, swelling, redness or heat, or limited range of motion.
Because there is no specific test for diagnosis of arthritis, almost all kinds of arthritis are based on the clinical diagnosis of the doctor. Physicians make a firm based on the cumulative pattern of the person's own medical history, family history, environment, physical exam, tests, and course of condition over time.
X-rays may show nothing or may show characteristic changes of OA, RA, and other types of arthritis. MRI and ultrasound may be more than an X-ray. Sometimes, it is necessary to draw a fluid sample from a swollen joint to examine it under the microscope and to send the sample to the lab for analysis of white blood cells and other factors.
Treatment and Prevention
Unfortunately, there is no cure for most forms of arthritis. The goal of treatment, physiotherapy, and medications.
There are things everyone can do today to prevent the possibility of OA later in life. The most important changes can be made to maintain a healthy weight on stress on the joints. Recent studies have shown that a weight gain of only 10 to 20 extra pounds in early adulthood increases wear and tear on the shock-absorbing cartilage in joints and can lead to serious joint damage in the long run. Avoiding repetitive movements over long periods of time can help, but if repetitive motions are part of a job or leisure activities, proper training is important.
If someone has a traumatic injury to a joint, they need medical care and rehabilitation to avoid further damage. Talk to a doctor about the proper use of ice, rest, heating pads, hot water bottles, and hot baths for treating any injury.
Exercise programs to maintain muscle tone are useful for managing OA and other kinds of arthritis. These may include special exercises prescribed by your physician. A physical therapist can help you improve your muscles and improve your range of motion. Walking is an excellent form of therapy for arthritis in the knees, but it does not cause pain. In some cases, OA is often connected with heat and rest. Cold packs are good short-term bread relievers, but they can only grow stiffness.
Medications for OA include a wide range of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications. Acetaminophen * is generally a good choice for long-term use, but it is important to not exceed the recommended amount (i.e., no more than 4000 mg per day). Even if it is used over the counter, it can cause serious damage. If acetaminophen is not effective or if inflammation is present, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen may be recommended. Topical analgesics, like diclofenac *, or capsaicin, are also available to help with localized bread OA. However, they may cause gastrointestinal bleeding with long-term use and uncontrolled high blood pressure.
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